S. David Alley, P.E.

David Alley is an electrical power plant project manager and consulting engineer
David Alley is an electrical power plant project manager and consulting engineer with more than 3 decades of international experience in power plant switchgear and control systems. He has extensive experience in technical and financial aspects of hydroelectric, reciprocating engine, combustion turbine, cogeneration and nuclear power plant analysis, project management, design, installation, startup and troubleshooting.
Half of David's career has been spent in the field
Half of David's career has been spent in the field performing startup, modification and troubleshooting services. David received his BSEE from Clemson University, Clemson, S.C. and his MBA from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. David is a registered professional engineer in most states.
Prior to founding ANNA in 1988
Prior to founding ANNA in 1988, he served as an electrical engineer and manager for the TVA, as a consulting engineer for the New York Power Authority and a manager at Synergics, an engineering firm in Annapolis, MD.
"I started ANNA because I wanted challenge, adventure and the chance to make a positive change in people's lives around the world, while growing personally and professionally. So far, so good." --David Alley