our clients
Who Are ANNA Inc. Clients?
Developers, the risk-takers who expect to reap a long-term profit on their investment. ANNA can help evaluate how sound the investment is before the project proceeds.
Owners, who are responsible for providing power reliably to businesses, homes, government facilities and hospitals. ANNA can help keep this basic mission on track.
Host Facilities, consumers of electric and thermal energy from "inside the fence" power plants, benefit from ANNA's field engineering skills in myriad ways. We can handle everything from equipment performance issues to complete plant designs through to certification testing and personnel training.
Vendors, rely on ANNA to verify to an owner that their equipment has been installed correctly and is performing to specifications.
PC Contractors, receive support from ANNA at every stage, as a power plant goes from concept to startup. Site selection, concept design, electrical and mechanical engineering and project management are only part of what we offer.
Other Stakeholders, include investors, insurance companies, governments and regulators who tap into ANNA's expertise for help in planning for future needs and keeping power available and affordable for all constituencies. Or, consumer groups may engage ANNA for help in resolving public interest issues relating to power.
From next-generation designs to existing infrastructure we have the expertise and know-how to handle any job. Recent projects include a $30 million contract with Idaho National Labs to design the next generation of nuclear reactors.
Oil Production
Experienced in offshore oil production platforms and systems. Projects completed in the North Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Asia.
Recent projects completed in Nevada. Nevada leads the nation in geothermal energy development.
Natural Gas
From black start generators to multiple unit startups ANNA has led the way with natural gas power production.
Renewable energy such as hydroelectric power are vital to our worlds future, we are fully experienced in hydroelectic power plants from TVA to Michigan to Oregon.
From cargo ships to US Coast Guard buoy tenders and icebreakers, ANNA is experienced in a multitude of shipboard power systems.
Controls and Relays
We are the experts in system controls and generator upgrades. These systems will enchance performance and improve efficiency in retrofit applications.